Concrete Blocks

Concrete blocks and Bricks can be used like any other masonry unit to build foundations, walls, arches and corbels, etc. A typical concrete block is equivalent to 4.5 bricks, thus construction is faster than with other masonry units. The mortar used is also, less which results in cost saving. Concrete blocks have been extensively used in combination with conventional roofing systems like RCC, RBC, GI sheets, ACC sheets etc.

Dimensions (in inches)
- 4 x 8 x 12 Solid
- 6 x 8 x 12 Solid
- 8 x 8 x 12 Solid
- 6 x 8 x 16 Solid
- 4 x 8 x 16 Solid

Technical Advantages 
- Resistance to hurricanes, tornadoes and other weather-related phenomena since the entire structure is tied together from the footings to the roof assembly with steel reinforcement, achieving a natural strength of 400 pounds per running foot compared to just 80 pounds for wood framing 
- Resistance to fire and termites  
- Resistance to sound transmission from traffic and other noise sources--the sheer mass and weight of concrete masonry walls can reduce sound penetrating through a wall by over 80 percent when compared to wood-frame construction. 
- Lower homeowner maintenance costs since masonry won’t rot, peel or flake 
- A reduction in energy bills of 40-60% compared to wood-frame homes. 
- Savings of up to 25% on homeowners insurance premiums and is environmentally friendly since concrete block is made from recycled materials.

- Construction of malls
- Commercial buildings
- Residential buildings
- For Boundary Walls